MODERNISTKI | 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE15th and 16th SEP 2017 | Kyiv Submit your application for the 2nd International Conference of Modernistki – Violence in Architecture and Urban SpaceThis event will will take place in...
MODERNISTKI | 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE15th and 16th SEP 2017 | Kyiv Submit your application for the 2nd International Conference of Modernistki – Violence in Architecture and Urban SpaceThis event will will take place in...
Website Launch // First Public Event at 1st of June The research team of the SNF project Flora Ruchat Roncati at ETH Zurich (1985-2002). Professor, Planner, Theoretician has just launched a website.The first public event,...
LECTURE BY DR. TINA POTOČNIK10 April 2017, 18pm | Trubarjeva hiša literature, Stritarjeva ulica 7, Ljubljana “Arhitektke, ki so po drugi svetovni vojni diplomirale pri Jožetu Plečniku, predstavljajo svojevrstno posebnost v toku slovenske povojne arhitekture. V...
29th march 2017 | ROME MOMOWO Public presentationEMILIA GARDA, MoMoWo project leader, has been invited to the Congress Dialoghi sulla Città Inclusiva, inside Montecitorio Palace, in order to unveil our project.
24 March 2017, 16pm | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
8 March – 20 April 2017 | NLB Gallery Avla | Trg republike2, Ljubljana a Architecture exhibition “To the Fore: Female Pioneers in Slovenian Architecture and Design”, prepared by Centre of Architecture and the France Stele Institute of...
6 March – 20 April 2017 | DESSA Gallery | Židovska steza 4, Ljubljana Architecture exhibition “To the Fore: Female Pioneers in Slovenian Architecture, Civil Engineering, and Design”, prepared by Centre of Architecture and the France...
15 February 2017 | Call for proposals 2017 CONVENTION PROPOSAL DEADLINEFebruary 15, 2017 for ALL submissions The online submission closes at 11:59pm PT (UTC -8) on Feb. 15, 2017.TYPES OF SUBMISSIONS:PanelRoundtableBook Discussion Roundtable [New]Individual PaperLightning Round Presentation [New]Affiliate Group...