Agenda / Conferences 1919_2019 Bauhaus Reloaded Agenda / Conferences Racconti e Paesaggio – Presentazione Mostra Itinerante “Women’s Creativity since the Modern Movement | MoMoWo” Agenda / Conferences Call for Papers: International Colloquium “Gender Dynamics and Practices in Architecture, Urbanism ans Landscape Architecture” Agenda / Conferences Agenda / Conferences Women in Architecture Awards 2019 Agenda / Conferences ICONICHOUSES LECTURE Agenda / Conferences Architecture – Politics – Gender – Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky Agenda / Conferences El Impacto del Género en el Urbanismo Agenda / Conferences Mulheres investigadoras e investigação sobre mulheres nas universidades ibéricas Agenda / Conferences Shaping our Cities for the Future – Cities for All Agenda / Conferences VI Edición Congreso Internacional Engendering Agenda / Conferences Women Architects and Politics in the Long 20th Century – Biographies, Buildings, Ideologies; Memories Agenda / Conferences Call for Entries: Women in Architecture Awards 2018 Agenda / Conferences Gender Mainstreaming in Public Participation Agenda / Conferences Rebel Architette: An editorial team backing Professional Women in Design Agenda / Conferences International Conference on Contemporary Women’s Studies Agenda / Conferences 1st Meeting – Gender Perspectives in Architecture || I Encuentro – Perspectivas de Género en la Arquitectura Agenda / Conferences Ingenio al Femminile – Storie de donne che lasciano il segno Agenda / Conferences MoMoWo at Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade de Lisboa (Faculty of Architecture – UL) Agenda / Conferences MODERNISTKI Agenda / Conferences Women Carrer’s in Stem | International Seminar Agenda / Conferences Plečnik’s Female Students, Mainstream in margina Agenda / Conferences / Uncategorized MoMoWo public presentation | Congress Dialoghi sulla Città Inclusiva Agenda / Conferences Female Pioneers in Slovenian Architecture and Design Agenda / Conferences / Uncategorized CALL FOR PROPOSALS | aseees Agenda / Conferences Conference | AA Women and Architecture in Context 1917-2017 Agenda / Conferences / Uncategorized SAVE THE DATE | MORE: 3rd International Conference on Gender and Architecture Agenda / Conferences SAVE THE DATE | Europa Creativa: what’s next? Agenda / Conferences SAVE THE DATE | Biennale di Venezia 2016 – 15th International Architecture Exhibition Agenda / Conferences / Uncategorized Colloquium |Paths of women architects and designers in Portugal: meeting to tell the tales Agenda / Conferences 5th Engendering International Conference | ENGENDERING HABITAT III Agenda / Conferences / Uncategorized XXI Triennale di Milano Agenda / Conferences MoMoWo at the Bienal Miradas de Mujeres 2016 Agenda / Conferences CALL FOR PAPERS – INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE IN BRUSSELS Agenda / Conferences ARCVISION PRIZE WOMEN AND ARCHITECTURE, LA PREMIAZIONE Agenda / Conferences PARITY TALKS Agenda / Conferences Swedish Modern kitchen in Slovenian homes Agenda / Conferences AA XX 100: Wikipedia Edit-a-thon: Women in Architecture Agenda / Conferences AA XX 100: Women In Architecture 1975-2015 Agenda / Conferences Femme, architecture, ville et paysage Agenda / Conferences Women in Architecture Agenda / Conferences Writing Women’s Lives Agenda / Conferences Design Education: What do you see? What do you think about it? What do you make of it? Agenda / Conferences Art Design Science Ethics Agenda / Conferences Design Português Collection Agenda / Conferences Design Indaba 2015 Agenda / Conferences INGENIO AL FEMMINILE – Storie di donne che lasciano il segno Agenda / Conferences New perspectives of research on interior design, decorative objects and market Agenda / Conferences Polish Women in Design Agenda / Conferences Art and Gender?