Gender Mainstreaming in Public Participation
Gender Mainstreaming in Public Participation
Wednesday, November 29, 10:00am - 5:00pm
At Goethe-Institut Prag, Prague, Czech Republic
"In Central Europe, the architectural and urban planning practice usually serves well those who are healthy and economically active. But when we consider demographics, economic income, cultural and ethnic background user groups differ radically. Each of them has different needs, but all of them should have the possibility to enjoy the public space. So how can we work with gender aspects into urban planning? How can we include different needs of different user groups into public participation processes? Why should we do it and how does gender perspective enhance quality of our projects?
The seminar will be lead by Eva Kail (The City of Vienna), one of the most renown experts on gender mainstreaming in urban planning and Hanna Posch and Lisa Purker (PlanSinn) who are experts on gender and participatory processes in Austria for more than 20 years.
The Expert seminar is designed for architects, urban planners and other experts dealing with public participatory processes. The goal of the seminar is to introduce the concept of gender mainstreaming, show practical examples of its implementation into gender sensitive public participatory urban processes.
Entry: free, online registration necessary:
The number of participants is limited to: 20. Organizers take the chance to choose the participants.
Language: EN
More info:
Organized by:
Heinrich-Böll Stiftung, Prague office and WPS Prague
Shared Cities: Creative Momentum, Goethe-Institut, Austrian Cultural Forum, IPR Praha"
(Text taken from facebook event -