Category: Conferences

VI Edición Congreso Internacional Engendering

I EDICIÓN CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL ENGENDERING by genderSTEMás allá del ODS#5:El género en la Agenda 2030de Desarrollo Sostenible ”Salón de Actos, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid.Avda. Juan de Herrera, 4. MADRID 28040Lunes 11 Diciembre...

Call for Entries: Women in Architecture Awards 2018

“Who is the most talented woman in your practice? Nominate her – or yourself! – for the prestigious Women in Architecture Awards by 20 NovemberNow in its seventh year, the Women in Architecture campaign is an...

Gender Mainstreaming in Public Participation

Gender Mainstreaming in Public ParticipationWednesday, November 29, 10:00am – 5:00pmAt Goethe-Institut Prag, Prague, Czech Republic”In Central Europe, the architectural and urban planning practice usually serves well those who are healthy and economically active. But...

International Conference on Contemporary Women’s Studies

The Association of Science, Education and Technology (TASET), Governors State University, Near East University, Istanbul University and Sakarya University are pleased to invite you to the International Conference on Contemporary Women’s Studies to be held...


MODERNISTKI | 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE15th and 16th SEP 2017 | Kyiv Submit your application for the 2nd International Conference of Modernistki – Violence in Architecture and Urban SpaceThis event will will take place in...