Category: Articles


Description: Articles and essays written by MoMoWo partners concerning the project or the project subject will be available on this page.

Objective: Providing a broader access to the project and its contents.

Audience: Scholars and students, architects and designers, audience interested in gender studies and the general public.

Communication: Will be done through articles in .pdf format, available for download on this page.

Sustainability: Articles in .pdf will be available on MoMoWo website and on the partners websites.

Maria Helena Matos (1924-2015)

Maria Helena Matos (1924-2015) entre 1960 e 1974 marca o processo de afirmação, consolidação e divulgação do design em Portugal através do seu trabalho no Instituto Nacional de Investigação Industrial (INII), desenvolvendo e liderando o...

How to Design a Fair Shared City?

WPS PragueIn cooperation with the offices of Heinrich-Böll Foundation Prague we have published our first book How to Design a Fair Shared City?This comic reflects our study trip to Vienna and offers eight simple...